Wekiva Band
Student Information
Forms, band camp info, FAQs and more about the Wekiva High School band and color guard programs

Welcome to the Band!
Well, either you signed up for, are taking another year of or are thinking about joining the band. Do it! It’s the best experience a student can have in high school. Talk to any older person who participated in their band program. They almost universally loved the experience. Band provides you with ready made friends, great musical experiences and fun events all while earning a high school arts elective. Come join today and be part of the pride of Mustang country.
Band Information
Here is some general information for band members to know:
- There are 3 levels of band. Marching Band, Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band. Wind Ensemble or Jazz Band must participate in Marching Band, unless they obtain an exemption from administration.
- There is one Color Guard group.
- Band camp for 2024-2025 is July 22 – Jul 25 and July 29 – Aug 1, 8:00am-4:30pm. Attendance is mandatory. Please be on time. Below is a section on what to expect at band camp.
- The first installment of your band fees ($100) is due Aug 15th. If this is a hardship, please contact Mr Petty directly or email [email protected]. You may also pay your fees monthly so there isn’t a big lump sum due at marching season. Please use the email link to set up a monthly payment.
- Uniform jacket, overalls/bibs, shako/hat, 1 pair of shoes, 2 pairs of socks and 2 pairs of gloves are provided by school. An alternate uniform of show ensemble is included as part of the dues as well as a practice shirt. Students must take the show uniform home and clean it between performances. The normal marching band uniform will stay at the school and will be dry cleaned by the band. You are responsible for:
- Additional socks, sun tan lotion, bug spray, and school-approved medicines.
- Marching season practices are Tuesday and Thursday after school from 2:30pm to 6:00pm during marching season.
- You must join the Band app to get up to the date information about the events the band is attending. You will also need to fill out the student registration form so we can set up a profile on goCuttime.com (our tracking and financial system).
- Additional special practice sessions will be scheduled after school in preparation of MPAs and various concerts throughout the year. Advanced notice will be provided on the website and through the Band app.
OCPS is requiring all students to get a physical and ECG prior to being able to participate in the band. Please note that this information must be uploaded by a parent or guardian to the OCPS approved website and must be cleared by the Athletic Department of the school. Below is a button which provide instructions for the band process. If your student is planning on doing athletics in addition to band, you can do one submission through this process. However, they will be required to submit additional information (specific to the sport) which the website will indicate. In order to avoid having to repeat this entire submission for other sports, please make sure they select all sports (and the band program) they plan on participating in next year. If they only intend on participating in the band program, they are only required to submit the participation agreement, physical form and ECG results. We have also provided a button link to the upload website where the parents/guardians create an account and upload the required documents. You may have multiple students linked to each parent/guardian. Thank You!
Band Camp
What do I need to bring to each day of Band Camp?
Each day of Band Camp, students will need to bring all of the following with them:
- their instrument and all music they receive
- sun protection ( sun screen, hat, UV sport shirt – anything to help mitigate sun exposure)
- a refillable, insulated water bottle with a minimum 1/2 gallon capacity
- flat soled, closed toed athletic shoes (sneakers); sandals, slide and other shows with an open toe or heel are not permitted
- Optional – a change of clothes in a small gym bag/cinch pack
What are students doing for lunch?
Lunch will be provided for students each dat via our cafeteria services. Students with dietary restrictions/allergies are encouraged to bring their lunch with them.
What is the schedule of events each day?
A typical day involves starting outside while it is cool for marching fundamentals before moving inside for music rehearsals, followed by lunch. Depending on the weather, students will spend up to 2 hours outside mixed with music rehearsals or sectionals in the afternoon session.
What if I am unable to attend?
If you are unable to attend Band Camp, it is imperative that your parents notify Mr. Petty via email of the absence and the reason. This is to ensure you have a drill spot for the halftime show. Students who miss Band Camp are still expected to attend all marching band events – any student who misses Band Camp without contacting Mr Petty will not have a spot in the halftime show and be assigned as a marching alternate for the season.
What are the costs for Band Camp?
The cost of band camp is included in your student’s annual band fees. The first $100 of the Band Fee is due on August 15th. A schedule of when payments are due is available above. Just click the button that says “Fair Share 2024-25“. Please contact Mr. Petty with any questions or concerns.
I need to use a school-owned instrument
Any student using a school-owned instrument will have their instrument signed out to them on the first day of Band Camp. Any student using a school-owned instrument will need to pay a $35.00 School Instrument Usage Fee, which covers the cost of maintenance and any repairs for the instrument during the school year. The School Instrument Usage Fee is due on the first day of class.

Show Ensemble
The show ensemble are given to each student in the Wekiva Band Program and are part of the Band Fees.
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The show shirt & shorts consist of a wicking crew neck shirt with the season’s show design and approved shorts. The shirts are provided every year. Shirts and shorts are worn underneath the marching uniform and when the weather is too hot for full uniforms. Two (2) pairs of gloves are included with student’s band dues. Additional pairs may be purchased at the uniform room as needed. Black, mid-calf socks required.

Marching Band Uniform
Wekiva Marching Mustangs have traditional uniforms students are fitted for in Band Camp.
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The marching uniform is a traditional style uniform with jacket, bibbers (overalls), a hat/shako and plume. The hat, jacket, bibbers and plume are loaned to the students for games and competitions. Uniforms are housed at the school and students must show up early on game days and competitions to obtain their uniform for the event. Uniform parts are school property. You are responsible for lost or damaged uniforms. Two (2) pairs of gloves are included. Additional pairs may be purchased. Black, mid-length socks required.

Wind Ensemble Uniforms
Our Wind Ensemble dresses in black attire.
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The concert and jazz band uniform consists of black dress pants with a black, long-sleeved dress shirt and must be provided by the students. Girls may wear a black dress or skirt with the bottom hem below the knee and no slits in lieu of pants. The students are responsible for wearing close-toed black dress shoes (or black marching shoes) with black socks.

Jazz Uniforms
Our Jazz Band dresses in black attire.
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The marching uniform and shoes are provided by the program and are on loan. Uniforms are housed at the school and students must show up early on game days/outdoor competitions to obtain their uniform for the event. Uniform parts (Jacket, bibber, shako and plume) are school property. You are responsible for lost or damaged uniforms. Hair and makeup will be determined by the show requirements .

Indoor Competition
The indoor competition uniform is determined by the show and is on loan.
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The indoor competition uniform is determined by the show for that year and is on loan. Competition black uniforms are the responsibility of the students and include, but are not limited to, black shorts, black tights, black shirt, and black sweats (cut to mid calf). Indoor footwear is not required (students are barefoot). Mr McKee will provide requirements to students at the appropriate time.

Marching Uniform - Color Guard
The marching uniform is determined by the show and is on loan.
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The marching uniform is determined by the show for that year and is on loan. Stockings are the responsibility of the students. Footware is provided by the school as part of the band dues. Sizing for items provided by the program (whether loaned or given) is done during band camp. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU ATTEND BAND CAMP! Mr McKee will provide requirements to students at the appropriate time.
When are after school marching band practices?
After school band practices will be held on Tuesday and Thursdays, from 2:30pm to 6:00pm. Individual instrument sectionals may be called on other days. Depending on the progress of the band through the season, additional rehearsals may be called or cancelled as deemed by the director.
How long is the marching band "season"?
Marching band “season” officially lasts from the first day of Band Camp and ends with Marching MPA festival. After this time, marching band is done with the exception of one or two parades.
How many performances are there?
The Wekiva Marching Mustangs perform at all home football games, most away football games, and the Florida Bandmasters Association Music Performance Assessment (MPA). Other performance opportunities may be scheduled at the discretion of the band director.
Can I "opt out" of marching band and still be in a band class?
Students cannot “opt out” of marching band just like they cannot “opt out” of doing division in their math class – marching band is a fundamental part of being in a band class in high school. The only exceptions for student from marching band are the following reasons:
- Physically unable to perform (PUP) – the student’s physician must indicate on the student’s Marching Band Physical Form why they are unable to participate
- Religious – the student’s parents must present to the band director in writing the specific reasons why the student will be excused for religious reasons
Students will receive a grade for all marching band activities. A student excused for either of the reasons above will be expected to complete an alternate assignment to earn their grade in place of the one they would receive in marching band.
Are there any dues/fees for being in band?
Our primary funding is from Student Band Dues/Fees. The Student Band Dues/Fees for 2024-2025 school year are $400/student. However, paying your dues by October 31st and parents working 3 home games can reduce fees by $100 for the student. These funds are use for music purchase, transportation costs, student meals, uniform cleaning, clinicians/instructors, and student registrations for FBA events. We will hold multiple fundraisers during the first semester that students may use to cover the cost of their student dues. If you have any questions about our Student Band Dues/Fees, please contact Mr. Petty directly. No student will ever be denied the opportunity to participate with the Wekiva High School Band Program, but all students must contribute their fair share each year. If your family cannot cover the entire band fee, please contact Mr Petty or Mr McKee to work out arrangements.
What other activities does the band do?
In addition to the marching band events mentioned above, student will also have the opportunity to perform in our annual Prism Concert, FBA Solo and Ensemble Festival, FBA Concert MPA, and our annual Spring Concert. We will also be doing our Car Show Fundraiser in the spring semester ( a student favorite!)
WHS Band Student Handbook
Your student handbook is available through a password protected page. Below is a button to get to the page. Please obtain the password from Mr. Petty to get your handbook.
Thank You
Our Sponsors Make It Possible!
Wekiva High School
Band Program
Jonte Petty, Director
2501 N. Hiawassee Road
Apopka, FL 32703